Resources for Survivors of Domestic Violence & Elder Abuse

Intimate Partner Violence – information and resources (CDC)
Helps victims get support and plan for safety as well as offers many resources for help and protection.

The Maryland Network Against Domestic Violence (MNADV)
The Maryland State Domestic Violence Coalition brings together victim service providers, allied professionals, and concerned individuals for the common purpose of reducing intimate partner and family violence and its harmful effects on our citizens. The Network accomplishes this goal by providing education, training, resources, and advocacy to advance victim safety and abuser accountability.

U.S. Domestic Violence Centers & Shelters
Stepping Stone – Center for Recovery

The National Domestic Violence Hotline
Creates access by providing 24-hour support through advocacy, safety planning, resources and hope to everyone affected by domestic violence.

The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence
The Mission of NCADV is to organize for collective power by advancing transformative work, thinking and leadership of communities and individuals working to end the violence in our lives.

Maryland Coalition Against Sexual Assault (MCASA)
The Mission of MCASA is to help prevent sexual assault, advocate for accessible, compassionate care for survivors of sexual violence, and work to hold offenders accountable.

Futures Without Violence
Everyone has the right to live free of violence. Futures Without Violence, formerly Family Violence Prevention Fund, works to prevent and end violence against women and children around the world.

The ACE Study
Adverse Childhood Experiences Study is ongoing collaborative research between the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, GA, and Kaiser Permanente in San Diego, CA.

Administration on Aging
National, state, and local partners in the field will be fully prepared to ensure that older Americans will live with dignity, integrity, independence, and without abuse, neglect, and exploitation.

The Shofar Coalition

End Abuse Now

Maryland Dental Hygienists’ Association: Well-Being Committee
provides assistance to individuals who are having difficulty dealing with a physical, mental,  or emotional issue, or substance abuse issue.

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